Drum Fest '16: Tech Talks


Yamaha Music London Drum Fest '16
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Yamaha Music London
Drum Fest '16: Tech Talks

Thursday 6th October - Sunday 9th October

Looking for your next drum kit (or maybe your first)? After tips and tricks to improve your playing? Wondering what the electronic DTX Drum range is capable of? Our Drum Tech Talks run throughout the weekend and aim to answer all your questions...


Yamaha Drum Plate

We make some of the most sought-after, best-sounding drum kits in the world. We make drums for children, for beginners, for studios and for stages - all taking the best from tradition and technology and design.

But which is right for you? Join us on a tour of the Yamaha Drum Catalogue, discover how each drum series has been designed and find out the extraordinary lengths our drum designers and makers go to for you to get the best possible drum sound.

  • Thursday 6th October, 10:00am
  • Friday 7th October, 10:00am
  • Saturday 8th October, 10:00am
  • Sunday 9th October, 11:00am
Booking not required; just turn up on the day.


DTX Drums

The original DTX was a revelation - a purely electronic drum kit that felt responsive and sounded like an acoustic kit

Nearly 20 years later, the DTX Series is one of our fastest-growing ranges with drum kits for beginners and pros, as well as components to turn your acoustic kit into a hybrid kit.

Realistic feel and multi-velocity drum samples are just two of DTX's features - learn about the others during our DTX Tech Talk.

  • Thursday 6th October:
    • 12:00 Noon
    • 4:00pm
  • Friday 7th October:
    • 12:00 Noon
    • 4:00pm
  • Saturday 8th October:
    • 12:00 Noon
    • 4:00pm
  • Sunday 9th October:
    • 12:00 Noon
Booking not required; just turn up on the day.


Drum Hardware

We've designed and built our drums to last - and they'll give a lifetime of excellent service if looked after.

In this Tech Talk, we'll be going through the basics of drum care - from transportation, re-skinning, tuning and more.

An essential session for any new drummer.

  • Thursday 6th October, 2:00pm
  • Friday 7th October, 2:00pm
  • Saturday 8th October, 2:00pm
Booking not required; just turn up on the day.

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