Learn to Play Acoustic Guitar - Learn to Play Weekend 2019


Learn to Play Acoustic Guitar

Learn to Play Weekend '19, Saturday 23rd March & Sunday 24th March 2019

Some of the greatest songs in history have been written and performed on nothing more than a single acoustic guitar. Hugely expressive and available in a range of shapes and sizes, learning the acoustic guitar is great fun and can open up a world of music.


How to take part:

Suitable for all ages, join guitar teacher Mete for a 25 minute one-to-one lesson.

Lessons run throughout the day on 23rd March and 24th March 2019; arrive at the Yamaha Music Store as early as possible to book yours.


Photo of Mete

Mete Ege: Acoustic Guitar Teacher

Mete Ege is a London-based guitar/music teacher and a professional guitarist. Mete's performed and recorded for many broadcasting such as the BBC, Sky, EMI, National Geographic and ITV. In 1997, Mete worked and performed with the late, great George Michael, achieving Top-10 chart success. Mete's own London Blusion, had its most recent release Second Time Lucky frequently played on Blues radio stations both nationally and internationally and featured in Rock Radio's Top 40 Best Albums of 2017.

Mete has taught guitar since 1992. In that time, he's given one-to-one tuition to thousands of students as well as holding lectures about guitar and music tuition at various education seminars. Always in demand as a guitar tester and demonstrator and the director of the American School in London's guitar program, we're thrilled to have Mete at Yamaha Music London this Learn To Play Day.